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  • Modules | website

    Modules In this section we give an overview of the functionality of the different modules and provide links to more detailed information on how to use them and their subsystems. Click on the Module Icon to the left of the description for more information and access to video tutorials on the module. 3-D Module ​ ​ In the 3-D Module the geometric and most other properties of a model are set up interactively. Description Render Module This module takes care of the rendering of image and position-velocity diagrams and a number of settings for other render options. Description Physics Module Radiation transport properties such as emissivity, absorption or scattering are set up as materials (species) in the Physics Module. Description Desktop Module ​ ​ The Desktop Module is your hub to all the other modules, project files, ShapeX configuration and more. Description Video Tutorial Math Module The Math Module allows you to set up variables and relations between them that can then be used throughout Shape as "global variables". Description Modifier Module The Modifier Module lists all modifier that are currently in use and allows you to change parameters of a selection of modifiers simultaneously. Description Maps Module The Maps Module displays channels maps of the 3-D model. The number and velocity range between the first and last channel can be set up. Description Animation Module Most parameters in Shape can be animated over time. This can be used to generate time variation of the models either for scientific modeling of time varying phenomena or for visualization purposes. Description Filter Module Filters for various physical quantities can be defined here. They can then be applied to objects in the 3-D Module. Description Movie Module In the Movie Module one or more animation sequences can be concatenated to a movie and exported for viewing with an external movie player. Description Export Module The Export Module exports the 3-D model into various output formats that can then be used as data for external use. Description Hydrodynamics Module Shape is the first astrophysical tool to introduce an interactive mesh-based setup for such simulations without the need of programming or scripting by the user. Description

  • Modifiers: Shell | website

    The Shell Modifier converts a normal mesh into a shell with user defined thickness. ​ The shell thickness can be set as a function of distance in the Magnitude dialog. Note that the shell can be generated outwards (positive) or inwards (negative) of the original mesh by changing the sign of the magnitude. Currently the magnitude can only be changed as a function of distance from the world coordinate center. This might change in future releases. The magnitude dialog allows you to define the thickness as an Analytic Function of distance or use a graph where you can generate an arbitrary function by manually placing points and setting the spline interpolation. The graph on the right shows the way it was done in this example. Note that only the newly generated mesh is affected by the shell modifier. ​ In the three pictures above the mesh is shown for three different settings. The first one on the left has both parts of the shell enabled. For the second one, the Outer geo flag was disabled. Therefore only the original object mesh remains. On the right, however, the Inner geo flag was disabled. Then the new shell mesh is left. Now the rendered volume fill out the whole space within the outer mesh of what was a shell. Note that the position in the Modifier Stack is important. If a Shell Modifier is placed at the end of the stack, the result will be a shell thickness that conforms to the Magnitude graph. However, if another geometry operator, such as a Bump Modifier or a Squish Modifier is placed below the Shell Modifier, then the final thickness may strongly different from that set up in the Shell Modifier. Caution: If the original mesh is locally complex and the thickness similar or larger than the local curvature, then the newly created mesh for the shell may self-overlap. This can lead to undesirable results. Make sure the thickness of the shell is compatible with the complexity of the mesh. Sometimes applying the shell in the opposite direction by inverting the magnitude of the thickness solves or reduces this potential problem. Modifiers: Shell

  • Module: Maps | website

    Maps Module Overview ​ Channel maps are spectroscopic images, where the image contains only emission from a certain small range of wavelength or line-of-sight velocity. They are typical for spectroscopic radio observations, but have come into more frequent use also in the optical and infrared spectral ranges. Usually they are presented in an array of many channel maps representing the complete spectral range that has been observed. The full set of spectral data is often referred to as a data cube, since the image can be arranged as slices of a cube. The Maps Module is divided in three main sections. The dominant region is the display of the channel maps. Above the maps is the main menu and to the right are the parameter tabs. There are three tabs for General parameters, those for an individual selected Channel and for the Output of the channel images (maps). General Workflow: In the General Parameters tab the minimum (initial) and maximum (final) velocities are applied. These are then divided in a number of channels that is the product of the number of channels in rows and columns. To set up this grid of channel maps click on the "Re-grid" button in the main menu and confirm. This generates the grid of image windows. Now render by clicking on the Render Button in the Render Module or press Ctrl-S. Parameter Panels: General: Render: This flag controls whether the channel maps are rendered at all. Make sure to have the tick mark set when using the Map Module. ​ Initial vel: The smallest velocity to be included (can be negative). This is the center velocity of the first channel map (top left in the grid). Final vel: The highest velocity to be included. This is the center velocity of the last channel map (bottom right in the grid). ​ Delta (D) : This is the width of the velocity channels. If set to zero, then the width is calculated from the difference between the final and initial velocity divided by the number of channels. If set manually, then the channels may be narrower than that or wider, in which case they overlap. The intensity taken into account is constant over the interval, which may or may no be the case for the actual observations. ​ Rows & Columns: The number of rows and columns that the channel map grid shall have. The total number of channels is then the product of rows and columns. ​ Transparency: The transparency of the rendered foreground image. It can be changed with the slider to transition between rendered and observed background image. This helps to compare the model with observations. ​ Light Echo: This function is deprecated. ​ Difference: Show the difference image subtracting the observed image from the rendered model image. ​ Export: Export the rendered image in ASCII format for further external processing. ​ Channel: ​ Select a particular channel by clicking on the image in the grid view of the channel maps. The selected channel is highlighted by a thin red line. The Channel parameter panel on the right then displays the settings of that particular channel. To view the image of this channel by itself at a larger scale, click on the "Expand" icon in the main menu of the Map Module. Vel (km/s): The velocity center of this channel. ​ D vel (km/s): The full width of the velocity channel. Image: A reference or observed image can be loaded to be compared with the observation. One can transition between the rendered model and the reference image by changing the Transparency in a numerical way (see below) or using the Transparency slider in the General parameter panel (see above). The reference image can be placed and processed using similar attributes as those used in the Selected Window section of the Render Module. Please see the pages on "Data Preparation " and the Render Module for more details on how to use the Location parameters and the image Modifiers. ​ Output: ​ The output parameters control the appearance and labeling of the grid image output using the Save Grid or Save Images button in the Main Menu of the Map Module. An example grid output is shown on the right. CrossHairs: Mark the center of each channel with a cross. ​ Labels: Label each channel with its central velocity. Color: The color for the labels. Change the color by clicking on the colored squared. A dialog opens to let you select a different color. Menu bar: ​ Re-grid: After you adjusted the General Parameters for the grid of channel maps, the Re-grid button sets up the grid using these parameters. When you change the General Parameters use this button again to apply these parameters. ​ Insert: Individual channels can be inserted before the currently selected channel. Note that this channel does not change the parameters of the pre-existing channel and is therefore not part of the regular sequence that was established using the Re-grid button. This new channel needs to be set up individually in the Channel parameter panel. Delete: Delete the currently selected channel. ​ Save grid & Save images: save the grid of image or individual channel images. Se the section on Output above for details. ​ Palette: Opens the image adjustment dialog for the channel maps. Here you can adjust brightness, scaling, and add other image modifiers. Note that the Gaussian Blur modifier handles the resolution of the maps. This is currently disconnected from the Seeing parameter in the Render Module and needs to be adjusted separately. In the Maps Module it works in terms of pixels, so it is depends on the resolution. This feature will be improved in a future release. ​ Properties: Opens the Properties dialog for the detailed appearance of the grid coordinates, tick marks, fonts and colors. Load obs: Load observed or reference images to the background of the grid. Here you can load a sequence of multiple images to fill all the channels. Select multiple image in the directory dialog that opens by clicking on the first of the sequence and then Shift-click on the last. Reference images for individual channels can be loaded or changed with the corresponding Image load button in the Channel properties panel. ​ Expand: Expands the selected individual channel image to full size of the image grid area for a detailed view. Clicking the same button again restores the full grid. ​ ​

  • Module: 3-D | website

    Top of Page Basic Workflow Overview 3-D view ports Menu Bar Primitives Objects, Tools & Lights tabs Transform tools 3-D Module Basic Workflow Basic workflow: Interactively add the geometric elements of your object in the form of primitive polygon meshes (Primitives) that you can access at the top menu bar of the 3-D Module. These meshes will serve to encase the volumes that will constitute the different parts of the model. Then you modify the simple structure of the Primitives using what we call Modifiers, which give the objects new geometric structure and physical properties as a function of position in space. Using the Physics Module, you then assign the material and radiation properties to the meshes. Finally, the model is rendered with the Render Module and some of the observational properties can be displayed with the (Channel) Maps and Graph Modules, where the observational data can be included and compared with the model results. If the results are not satisfactory, the model will be adjusted until a satisfactory match is found between observations and model. Overview of the 3D Module : The purpose of the 3D Module is to set up your model interactively. This module is divided in several sections, the interactive 3-D view ports , the Menu Bar at the top, Objects, Tools & Lights tabs on the right and Transform Tools on the left. ​ 3-D view ports: By default there are four view ports that can simultaneously show you the same number of different views of your mesh model. Several of these camera views are aligned with the coordinate axes (initial defaults: Front, Right). The Free-Form view can be changed arbitrarily using mouse input after selecting the Camera > Orbit tool from the Transform Tools to the left of the 3-D view ports (see Transform Tools for details). A special view port is the Render view, since it represents the view that will be used for rendering in the Render Module. This view can be controlled interactively with the Mouse in the same way as the Free-Form view, but also numerically with Image and Camera parameters in the Render Module. ​ Right-click menu: When you right-click on the area of a 3-D viewport, a menu opens that allows you to set a number of properties of this particular view. Camera: Select a different camera view for this viewport. Save Image: Save the mesh images of the viewports. It saves the image of all viewports in one image. If you want to save only a single view, then use the Maximize command from the right-click menu to open a single view in the 3-D view space (to go back to the four viewports, right-click again and select Restore). Make sure to provide a filename with a valid image extension. Most common image formats are supported, such as .png (recommended), .jpg, .gif, etc. (example: image1.png). The Save Image function is the same as that of the Save button in the 3-D Module´s top menu bar. Saving your viewport images with this function does not include the colored coordinate axes or the viewport labels. To saves these you can make screenshots of these areas. Properties: In this dialog you can set a few parameters for the individual view port. Scene alpha: This parameter changes the transparency of the whole polygon object scene, so a comparison with observations or the rendered scene may be easier with lower alpha values. Background: This setting selects the background image of the scene between None, Observed and Rendered, which enables you to compared the corresponding images with the mesh. Including the Observed data is useful to place and shape mesh objects according to the observations. Note that a direct comparison with observed data makes only sense for the Render image. Sometimes, comparing the observed images with other views might be helpful when checking for symmetry properties. Maximize: For more detailed inspection, this command fills the space of the four viewports with a single one. Restore the four views using the Restore command in the right-click menu. 3-D view ports Overview Menu Bar Menu bar: The Menu Bar of the 3-D Module provides quick access to a number of commands (left section) and the creation of Primitive mesh objects (right section). ​ ​ ​ Save: Save the mesh images of the viewports. It saves the image of all viewports in one image. If you want to save only a single view, then use the Maximize command from the right-click menu to open a single view in the 3-D view space (to go back to the four viewports, right-click again and select Restore). Make sure to provide a filename with a valid image extension. Most common image formats are supported, such as .png (recommended), .jpg, .gif, etc. (example: image1.png). Saving your viewport images with this function does not include the colored coordinate axes or the viewport labels. To saves these you can make screenshots of these areas. Import: This command allows you to import objects from a different project. A file selection dialog opens to select the project from which to import objects. Then a second dialog allows your to select one or more objects (shift-click for selecting multiple objects). Note that it is divided into tabs for different types of objects which have to be imported separately. Options: The Options dialog contains settings for viewing coordinate grids in the 3-D viewports and other options that might be helpful during modeling and for publication of model meshes. Undo: This command opens the Undo Stack utility. It shows recent commands that can be undone and redone. You can select which commands to undo or redo and set the maximum number of commands to be held in the stacks. Additional Undo options exist for example for the Path vertex objects which can be undone with Ctrl-z or redone with Ctrl-y. Primitives: The most important functionality of the menu bar in the 3-D Module is to provide quick access to the creation of various Primitives, i.e. basic geometric mesh objects that can be described with only a few parameters. ​ ​ ​ ​ Create a new primitive object by a first click on the corresponding icon, then click on one of the 3-D viewports and immediate drag the mouse to the right to increase the first parameter of the primitive. When the first size is adequate, click again and drag to the right to increase the second parameter (if necessary). One click and drag to the right for each parameter (sphere has one, cone and plane have two, “cube” has three) of the primitive object and then one more click to finish. Your object appears in the Systems folder of the Objects tab located to the right of the 3-D viewports. By default the names of the objects is PS_#, where # is the number in order of creation. This name can and should be changed to something more descriptive in the General parameters menu of the drop-down list to the right of the Objects folder tree. The detailed properties of the individual objects can be changed after selecting it by clicking on the objects name in the Objects stack, where it will be highlighted and in the 3-D viewports the corresponding mesh will turn white, if the Show status flag in the General properties is activated (this is the default). The Object Properties drop-down list contains five different parameter sections: General, Particles, Modifiers, Primitive and Fields. Click on Object Properties for a link to a more detailed description of its content. Primitives Objects, Tool and Lights tabs: The parameters of objects and different tools can be set in the Parameter Tabs on the right side of the 3-D Module. There are three tabs available for the parameters. Objects: handles the parameters of the objects in the 3-D viewports. Tools: allows access to the parameters of tools such as the Draw Tool or Erase Tool for particles accessed in the corresponding tab on the left of the 3-D Module). The parameters in the Tools tab appear once the tool has been activated. Lights: change the lighting properties of the 3-D viewports by changing the properties of the default Ambient Light or adding, deleting and changing the positions and parameters of other types of light. A more elaborate lighting scheme is often useful to create schematic illustrations using the mesh objects. ​ Objects, Tools & Lights tabs Transform tools: On the left side of the 3-D Module there is a set of tabs with a variety of tools, most of which interactively change the positions and orientations of various types of helper objects: Cameras: change the view points of Render or Free-Form view ports interactively. Systems: change the transform properties of individual objects (Systems) of the scene. Widgets: change the local coordinate system of the selected tool or modifier. Vertices: with these tools individual or a group of vertices of meshes are manipulated for very detailed local changes of the meshes. Particles: draw and erase Particles on and around meshes that serve as supports. This allows very detailed structures to be added to an object than can not be easily generated with meshes or procedural filament tools. The parameters of the Draw and Erase particles tools are set in the Tools tab on the right of the 3-D Module. Transform tools Objects Tree: The objects tree is a hierarchical list of the current objects in the scene. They can be collected in folders and sub-folder. With the tick boxes to the left of each object an object can be switched on or off. Similarly switching on or off a folder does the same for all objects in a folder. ​ New objects are placed in the default "Systems" folder. ​ New folders are created using the "Add new folder" button at the bottom left. Copy objects with the copy-button. The copy is then placed at the bottom of the list in the same folder. Move objects and folders around within the object tree by dragging and dropping. Delete objects and folder with the delete button at the bottom of the panel. ​ The color of the symbol to the left of the object name is the same as the mesh color and helps to identify the object in the 3-D views. If the object is not enabled, the color of the symbol is grey. ​

  • Render Mod Units | website

    Render Module Properties Panel: Units Properties Panel: Units ​ Observational astronomers and theorists often work with very different units. This can be accommodated for in Shape by choosing the units that work best with your reference images or target audience. ​ World & Image units: Various units can be selected for the World (Coordinate System) in the 3-D environment and the Images. The appropriate unit is selected from a drop-down menu and by default is set to meters (m). Some of the units are in terms of typical linear and others are in angular sizes. Energy: The energy units refer to the intensity units of the images. In addition to the SI (International System) some of the typical astronomical units are also available. Distance: The units for distances are similar to those for the World & Images, except that the angular units are, of course, not available.

  • Render Mod Output | website

    Render Module Properties Panel: Output Properties Panel: Output ​ The Output panel sets the type and file location for the output of the 3-D render cube information from the current scene. This information can then be processed and, with the Export Module, exported to other standard formats for external visualization. Enabled: Enable the output to be executed after the rendering is finished. Slices: When enabled, the output is done in the form of PNG format images slices. Each slice contains RGBA information in the XY-plane of the world coordinate system. Name: This text field takes the name of the output file without an extension. Unless Slices is enabled, the output will be a single file with the extension ILV. The ILV file can be loaded into the Export Module for further processing and output in other formats. Background Image: In this section you can control which the viewing of all the foreground rendered images and the observed background images in all windows. Image: From the drop-down list you can choose which images are used as background or reference image. The initial choice is between Observed and None. If Observed is chosen, the Observed images chosen in the Selected Window panel will be visible as background. If you choose None, then you can click on the button beneath to save in memory the current rendered images as a background or reference. Each image is identified by the time stamp of the moment of click on the save button in this panel. ​ The button labeled "x" allows the user to delete a saved set of rendered reference images from the drop-down list. Transparency: The slider controls the transparency of the foreground rendered image. Moving the slider to the right makes the foreground gradually more transparent, thereby allowing a comparison between the reference image in the background with the foreground.

  • Data Preparation | website

    Data Preparation Before we start getting into the preparation of data, let´s first get out of the way a common misunderstanding : Shape is not a software that processes observational data and as a result delivers a 3-D model. ​ What Shape does is to provide you with a set of tools that allow you to apply your scientific insight and creativity to generate a 3-D model that reproduces your data as closely as possible. During this process you might improve your understanding of the object of your research and with the final model you have a tool to help your peers to better understand your conclusions. ​ Selected Window: Data as a reference in the Render Module are included per Window , which may be an Image or a Position-Velocity (P-V) window. Clicking on a Window selects that window , which is indicated by a thicker white border of the window. ​ Once a window has been selected, the drop-down list at the top of the Properties tab gives access to the selected window by chosing Selected Window . ​ Two important choices to be made at the top are the flags Render and Master . By default all windows get rendered, but sometimes it may be prefereable to not render some windows. ​ Only one of the windows can have the Master switch on . Once you select Master for a window, the corresponding switch in the previous Master window is switched off. ​ The Master switch determines which rendered or reference image can be shown in the Render View of the 3-D Module as a reference background during the modelling process. ​ The potential of cross-checks between data and models : It has happened in several occasions that the model result hinted at problems with the data processing and resulted in the correction of mistakes. Hence, frequent critical cross-check between data and model can be beneficial in both directions. Usually the data inform the modeling process. Occasionally it also happen that the modelling leads to corrections , new processing or interpretations of the data . ​ ​ ​ ​ Data Preparation: Data for Shape basically consist of some form of image that is placed as a reference in the background of the rendered images, spectral images or the 3-D views in the 3-D Module. Shape provides tools to correctly place the images in their corresponding context. ​ ​ The key information that is needed to prepare these images are their scaling and corner positions in the chosen coordinates. ​ ​ So, for instance, if you wish to work on arcsecond scales and your side to side field of view is 10 arcsec, then you have two options . First, you crop your image to the same field of view. Then, after loading it into Shape, it fits automatically to the 10x10 arcsec field that you have set up. This is the recommendable option . The second , more complex, but often necessary option is to use a certain image as it is. Then the position, rotation and size are adjusted in Shape such that it is correctly placed in the field of view. ​ ​ These options are applicable for images, P-V diagramas, channel maps and graphs. ​ ​ If your images have scales with tick-marks , you can adjust the placement such that they coincide with the corresponding tick marks in the Shape image coordinate system. This can be done in position and velocity. ​ In the first example on the right (click on the image to see a larger version ) the observed image was first cropped to a square format that corresponded precisely to the original size of the default window size or range values. ​ As long as no rendering was done, the background image remains visible. The visibility of the background image is indicated by the red square in the top-left corner . Once your models become very realistic you may not immediately notice whether you are looking at the observed or rendered image. Then it may happen that you are wondering why your rendering hasn´t changed after your changes in the 3-D model settings... until you notice that there is a little red square that tells you that you have been staring at the observed image all the time. ​ To gradually switch between reference and rendered image use the Transparency slider . ​ In the second example on the right, a new P-V Window was added. A single position velocity diagram as shown further up was added as a background. The x0, y0, x1, y1 values were adjusted such that the image fits precisely in such a way that the tick marks in the observed image and render window overlay correctly. A small additional correction was applied by adding a Translation Modifier to the observed image with an adjustment in the x-direction. Other modifiers can be added to correct scaling and rotation of the reference image . Note that the order of the modifiers in the stack may be important, especially when there are rotation and translations combined. ​ Rendered images as references for changes: Often one needs to compare a previous rendering with the one that includes new changes to the model. Rendered images can be saved as reference images after you open the background Image drop-down list and select None . Then click on Save image. A new item in the image stack appears labeled with the time the image was saved. A whole sequence of rendered reference images can be build by repeating this process. To delete an image from the stack, select the image and press Remove image . ​

  • Modifier Module | website

    Modifier Module Overview When a project becomes complex and there are many similar modifiers the Modifier Module helps to manage modifiers with bulk operations that change parameters for more than one of them simultaneously . On the right, the Modifier Module ​contains a list of all modifiers that have been set up in the project. The list has four columns that classify the modifiers and help identify and select them. Clicking on the head of a column groups the list according to that property in alphabetical order. This allows to easily work with a certain type of modifier. Different background colors for the fields further helps with the the classification and reduces mistakes in the selection of modifiers. ​ The first column contains the Type, which can be Density, Taper, Point, Bump, Squeeze, etc. ​ The second column indicates the Group the modifier belongs to, such as Particle, Transform or Geometry. ​ The third column contains the name that the user gave to the modifiers. If no name was given, then this field is empty. ​ The fourth column contains the name of the object the modifier is applied to. Select a modifier by clicking anywhere on its row in the list. Selected modifiers are highlighted in blue. On the right side, the parameters of a selected modifier are shown. The parameters can be changed there. ​ To select multiple modifiers keep the Ctrl key pressed while you click on the modifiers to be included in the selection. To select all modifier within a certain range in the list, select the first one and the use Shift-click to select the last one. All modifiers in between will then be included in the selection. The parameters shown on the right will be those of the first modifier selected in the set. ​ When you change parameters with more than one modifier selected, all selected modifiers will now have this parameter value. Filter: Use the filter function to display only a subset of modifiers. To achieve that start typing a word in the Filter text field. For instance, if you would like to see only the Texture Displacement modifiers, then type "Texture Displacement". You can use any word that may appear in the four columns to filter them.

  • Render Mod Selected Window | website

    Render Module Properties Panel: Selected Window Properties Panel: Selected Window ​ The Render Module can have several render windows, which can be of type Image or P-V (Position-Velocity). Each of them may have different parameters, which are listed and managed in the "Selected Window" panel. The selection is done by right-clicking on a window . The selected window is then highlighted by a white boarder that is thicker than that of the others. The parameter panel changes automatically when you change the selected window. ​ While there are some parameters that they have in common, the Image and the P-V windows have different sets of parameters . First we will discuss those of the Image window . Then we describe the additional parameters that correspond to the P-V window. The common parameters will not be repeated here . ​ 2D Image Render : This flag determines whether this window is to be update after the next rendering process (on) or shall keep the previously rendered image (off). By default this flag is set to on. If you have several image windows, it may be desirable to keep the previous result to compare with another window that is updated. Master: If you use the data of an image in an other module , this can be done only for one of the image windows. The one that is used is the one with the Master flag on . When you change the flag of one window from off to on, then the window that previously had the Master flag on is automatically switched off. Window Parameters: Under the Master flag there is a group of four icons that invoke utility commands . The first one copies the window parameters into a buffer . If you have additional windows of the same type and want them to have the same initial parameters, then you use the second button to paste the buffered window parameters to another window (after selecting it by clicking on the window). The third button saves the image of a window to file. Note that you need to provide the filename with the appropriate extension, e.g. .png. Shape selects the format of the image file according to the file extension that you provide. The fourth icon lets you print the image of the window to a printer or save it as a file in PDF format . It basically embeds the image in a PDF-file. Note that the image annotations, such as coordinates are not saved in a separate scalable font, but are incorporated in the pixelized image. Seeing: The combination of image degradation from atmospheric seeing and instrument resolution is simulated by a convolution of the image with a Gaussian kernel with a full-width half-maximum (FWHM ) of this value. It uses the same units as those chosen in the Units Panel of the Render Module. Slits: The slits drop-down list contains the slits that correspond to the P-V windows. In this list they can be switched off from this image window by unchecking them. If the "Move Slit " button above the image window is on, you can click on a slit and move it by pressing the left-mouse button and dragging it horizontally. After clicking on a slit and then moving the mouse-wheel, the slit-width can be changed interactively. ​ The color of a slit helps to identify the P-V window to which it corresponds. The P-V window has a thick vertical line of the same color. Background Image: This section of the Selected Image Window Panel controls the file, positioning and appearance of the reference image that is loaded into the background layer of the image display. ​ Image: From this drop-down list the current background image is selected. By default it is the "Observed" image, which can be loaded from file. Initially there is one other option called "None", which displays no image. However, when the None option is selected, the currently rendered image can be added to the list as a reference to be compared to later renders. It is often useful to compare renders from changed parameters with the previous version to see the effect of the parameter change. When selected, a button appears that allows one to delete such an image from the list when no longer needed. Transparency: In order to interactively compare the rendered image with the background image, the transparency of the rendered image is changed using the slider. If the slider is moved to the right, the transparency increases and the background image gradually appears. To help identifying whether the rendered or the background image is visible, the background image is marked with a red square in the top-left corner. Filename: The file path and name of the Observed background image. Click on the icon on the right of the filename field to select a file from disk. x0, x1, y0, y1: The coordinates of the bottom-left (x0,y0) and top-right (x1,y1) corners of the observed image. If all values are left at 0 (default), then the image fill the current image range. Setting custom values allows a precise placement of the image. Modifiers: The appearance and positioning of the Observed image can be adjusted using various operators, called modifiers. They can be selected from the "Available Modifiers" drop-down list. It is then added to the Modifier list that is applied to the image. Each of them has it´s own set of parameters, which in most cases are self-explanatory. PV Window The first few parameters of a P-V Window are the same as those of an Image Window. Please refer to that section above for an explanation. Slit color: In many projects data for several slit positions are available. To more easily relate them with the slit marking in the image window and the parameter panel, you can set individual slit colors. Default colors are assigned randomly. Slit X, Slit Y : The horizontal and vertical position of the slit, respectively. It can be set numerically in this field or interactively with the mouse cursor by dragging the slit on the Image Window. Make sure to activate the "Move Slit " icon above the Image Window first to enable the interactive functionality. By default the slit can only be moved horizontally. To interactively move it vertically press "y" at the same time as you drag it up or down. Slit width, Slit height : The slit width can be changed interactively after activating the "Move slit" button above the Image Window using the mouse wheel. By default the width is changed. If at the same time you press the "y" key , the height of the slit is changed interactively. Naturally, you can also change the values manually in the number fields. Velocity : The reference velocity for the spectroscopy is set in the "Spectrum " section of the Render Module. In the scale of the P-V window the zero-velocity for the graph can, however, be shifted by the value of this parameter. I maintains the same total range as before . Range : The total width of the P-V Window in units of velocity. Resolution : The P-V image is convolved with a Gaussian kernel of this full-width half-maximum (FWHM ) in horizontal direction in units of velocity. Background Image : This section is similar to that for the Image Window as described above. Please refer to that section.

  • KSS: Modifier Stack | website

    Key Sub-S ystem: The Modifier Stack A model in Shape is build starting from a few basic mesh objects such as spheres, cylinders, tori or imported ones. ​ Very few objects have such regular structure, however, and the fundamental purpose of Shape is to enable the user to reproduce any structure the universe comes up with at us as closely as possible. There these "primitives" have to be "modified". That is why the operators in Shape are called modifiers . Since there is a large variety of modifiers, the are assembled in a modifier stack (see the image on the right). This list of modifiers operates on the primitive mesh in sequence from the top to bottom. ​ It is very important to note that for some operator combinations, such as rotations, the order in which they are applied makes a difference. ​ When a new modifier is added from the drop-down list that opens by clicking on the plus (+) sign below the stack, it is added to the bottom of the list. They can be reordered by dragging and dropping them into the desired position. To delete one or more modifiers select them in the stack and then click on the "x" at the bottom of the stack. ​ For good practice we recommend to order the modifiers by type as long as the order can be chosen without affecting the result. Modifier that apply to physical quantities such as density and temperature should go at the top, as shown in the example. Copy-Paste modifiers: ​ ​ ​ Modifiers can be copied within the same stack or to the stack of a different object. To copy the modifier to the buffer click on the Copy icon at the bottom of the stack. Then click on the paste button right beside to paste it to the same object. ​ To paste the modifier to a different object, select the target object and click on the paste button. When you do that, a small pop-up window opens with two option to select from. You can paste the modifier as a "new copy " or as an "instance ". The new copy of the modifier will act independently of the original. The instance of the original will work in unison with the original. This means that changes in the parameters of one instance will be automatically transferred to the other. You can have several instanced copies of the same modifier, thereby saving time by changing only one of them to affect all the others in the same way. This is an easy way to maintain the same structure for several meshes or other features of an object. ​ Modifiers: ​ There are basically three categories of modifiers: physical, geometry and transform . In the modifier stack these are identified by having a green, orange and white background respectively. The physical modifiers act on the local physical properties that determined the interaction of the gas with the radiation. Examples are the density, temperature, velocity or boost and points . The geometry modifiers move the vertices of the mesh to turn the primitive starter shapes into more complex structures. Examples for these are the bump, squeeze, twist and size modifiers. These modifiers do not move the origin of the local coordinate system. ​ Contrary to the geometry modifiers, the transform modifiers precisely do move the local coordinate center . The physical and geometry modifiers then take the new local coordinate center as a reference. ​ Links to descriptions of each modifier can be found in the Index . ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​

  • Modifiers: Image Displacement | website

    Modifiers The Image Displacement Modifier ​uses an grey-scale image to move vertices as a function of the image pixel intensity. This allows one to use actual images to influence the model structure. As shown in the example mesh on the right, a potential application is in the modelling of spiral galaxies. An external drawing device can be used to design structures almost interactively with the automatic update functionality. ​ For this example the image of a spiral galaxy was smoothed and a flipped copy of it generated. The flipped version is needed for the top-bottom symmetry of the galaxy structure. The image on the right is the rendered image. The Image Displacement Modifier (IDM) works in a similar way as the Bump Modifier with the basic difference of using an image as data source instead of a simple function. The handling of the Gizmo for placement is similar. One difference is that the Gizmo of the IDM include a preview of the image to help with the precise placement and scaling. ​ In this example of a spiral galaxy two IDM are required, one for each side, as shown in the example modifier stack on the right. Parameters: ​ Name: If multiple Modifiers are used, make sure to name them adequately for ease of identification. ​ Enabled: When deselected, the modifier will not be applied. ​ Filename: Click on the button on the right to open the file selection dialog to open the image file to be used to the IDM. The filename will be displayed in the text field. ​ Width & Height: The full size of the image in the 3-D Module in local x & y directions. ​ Radial: Select this option if you wish the displacement to be radial from the origin of the Local Coordinate System of the mesh. ​ Auto Update: If you change the image texture using an external software such as Gimp or Photoshop, then you can enable the automatic loading of the image by clicking on Start. Make sure to Stop it again after you finish. Since the image is read from disk, you need to save it after every change you want to be updated in Shape. ​ Interval (ms): The the interval between Updates of the image from disk. Magnitude: Set up the how the mesh displacement shall be as a function of the pixel brightness of the image assuming that it has an interval from x=(0-1) for greyscale values of (0-255). You can use an analytic function of x (the pixel value between 0 and 1) or a corresponding point function. Widget: Opens the Widget panel shown on the right and enables the preview of the displacement image that helps to place it correctly. To see the preview image, the Display has to be enabled and the object needs to be selected in the object tree. The not only the Widget arrows are show, but also the preview image as shown below the Widget panel on the right. ​ Note on Rendering IDM objects: Below are a few renderings of the example galaxy object. The first one shows the rendering at an intermediate viewing of the disk. At the center the bulge is seen as a vertical uniformly lit structure. This is typical for the applications of the IDM, especially with small-scale features. These turn out to look like little vertical "sticks". ​ There are a number of measures that one can take to remedy that depending on the feature and the application of the IDM. For the smooth structure of the galaxy, for instance, one can use the Taper Modifier to taper off the emission towards the surface of the mesh. This is shown below where the galaxy has been rendered edge-on. The upper image is without and the lower one has a Taper Modifier applied. ​ In addition to the IDM to strengthen the spiral features in the galaxy an Image Texture Modifier was applied with the same image. Modifiers: Image Displacement

  • Downloads | website

    Downloads The most up-to-date installers for Window, Mac OSX and Linux can be found found at: Installers Updates ​ Occasionally, updates will be issues without supplying new installers. This greatly reduces the size of the downloaded needed. The update packages will contain library files that simply need to be copied over the files that already exist on your system (whever you have installed ShapeX). Notes: ​ Since the last release, Shape has been revamped almost completely. In particular, the user interface (UI) and the rendering algorithms have seen profound changes. New modules and modifiers help with the workflow New manual & website help the user to get started User forum - ask questions, share tips & tricks, propose features Installers for Windows, MacOSX, Linux RPM & Debian ​ IMPORTANT NOTE: Remember that to take full advantage of your computers RAM, you need to manually set it in the ShapeX.cfg file. Search for this file within the installation directory. Open it with Administrator privileges and add the minimum and maximum RAM that you will allow Shape to use, say e.g. 14 GB of your actual RAM of 16 GB. Edit the .cfg file in a text editor with the following lines: [JVMOptions] -Xms1000m -Xmx14000m ​ Make sure that there are no spaces before or behind the lines with the numbers. Save the file and run Shape. At the bottom of the UI the "Total (Mb): " should now indicate approximately 1.4E4 .

  • Modifiers: Texture Displacement | website

    The Texture Displacement Modifier uses a procedural texture to deform a mesh. The value of the 3-D texture at position of a mesh vertex in space determines how far the vertex is pushed away from its original position. The magnitude of the position change of the vertex as a function of the grey value of the texture. The direction can be chosen to be radial (set the radial flag) from the local coordinate system or you can use the widget to set the direction. The Magnitude dialog: In the Magnitude dialog you set the function that determines the distance a vertex is pushed based on the grey-scale value of the texture at its original position in space. The values of the texture is in the range [0,1]. The variable that carries these values is "x". So, if you use the default "x" as a function, the vertices will move between 0 and 1 units. The example mesh show in the figure below uses a "clumpy" texture with a few hundred clumps distributed in the spatial domain. The function that is used as magnitude of the displacement is 15*(x-0.5). The reason we subtract 0.5 from x is to allow the texture to not only push outwards making the shell necessarily larger, but also inwards, such that the average radius stays approximately the same. The factor 15 then extents the maximum range for the displacement to that value. Texture : Use the Texture dialog to choose and customize the texture that controls the Texture Displacement modifier. See the page on the Texture key subsystem for information on how to setup a texture. Modifiers: Texture Displacement

  • Module: Desktop | website

    Desktop Module Video Tutorial The Desktop Module is your control and navigation center. It allows to open modules and customize the quick navigation bar at the top, open recent projects with a single click, customize general parameters and open utilities. Module area: You can left-click on the icons for the different modules to switch to them. Right-click opens a little button that allows you to pin the icon to the main Menu Bar at the top of the user interface. Alternatively, you left-click and drag the icon onto the Menu Bar. Menu Bar: The Menu Bar is the quick navigation tool and stays there on all Modules. Drag-and-drop icons from the Desktop here and arrange them according to the needs for the most efficient workflow on your project. Right-click on an icon to unpin it from the Menu Bar. Files: In this section of the Desktop you have access to project files. You can save the current project with its current name and location (Save) or save it with a new name or location in the file system (Save As). Furthermore, you can open an exiten project (Open) or clear the current project and start a new one (New). Recent Files: In this section of the Desktop you have access to project files that you have been working on recently using a quick access button. Just click on the button of the project that you would like to open. If the displayed file name is not enough to identify the correct project, just hover over the button to display the full file path as a tool tip. Information tools: There are a few tools that will display useful information or where you can configure a few general parameters that you might need to change from their defaults in order to optimize the performance of ShapeX on a particular system. The Memory tool will show the memory usage as a function of running time. The Progress tool shows how the difference forground and background processes are progressing. The Help tool opens this website. The Config uration tool allows you to set multi-threading and autosave parameters (how often the current project file is backed up automatically), as well as a project directory, where ShapeX will start to look whenever you open a file dialog. System information about the interactive Java3D libraries and other Java system data can be found in the J3D and System information tools. Commands: There a few additional tools that are either just commands to be executed or open a tool that did not fit into the other categories. The Shape It! button simply executes a rendering and is equivalent to the Render button located at the left end of the Menu Bar. The Reset button resets the Menu Bar to its default configuration with the minimum necessary modules. Finally, the Units tool open a utility that allows to convert between different units, such as cgs to SI, which come in handy since many astrophysics books use cgs units, while ShapeX works with SI units.

  • Modifiers: Warp | website

    The Warp Modifier rotates the mesh vertices as a function of distance around an axis. ​ To actually be a warped surface, the axis of the Widget for the Warp Modifier needs to be at an angle to a reference plane such as a flat disk. ​ Name: Set a name that allows you to identify this modifier easily. ​ Enabled: When this flag is turned off, the Warp Modifier is switched off. ​ Deg: If set, the the rotation as a function of distance in the Magnitude Graph is given in degrees per unit distance. When switched off, then it will be radians per unit distance. ​ Magnitude: Opens the function graph to set how the rotation angle is as a function of distance from the local coordinate system set by the Widget. ​ Widget: The Widget opens the Widget Dialog. It allows you to change the direction of the Warp Modifier. The turquoise arrow indicates the direction around which the rotation will be performed. In the example it was rotated around the original x-axis by 30 degrees. Modifiers: Warp

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