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Movie Module




In the Movie Module you concatenate individual animation frames into a movie. It can be reproduced in the integrated movie player and saved to disk for viewing in an external  movie player. Several movie can be displayed side by side. These can then be saved into a single movie file. This is useful when comparing different visualizations of the same object simultaneously.

Menu Bar: 

Create: Once you loaded the animation sequence of images, click on the Create Button to render the movie in a single file for viewing in external movie players.


Add: Add a second or more movie panel to the right of the current one. Several frames can be rendered side by side into a single movie. 


Delete: Remove the currently selected movie panel. Select by clicking on the panel with the left mouse-button.


Load: Load a sequence of animation frame into the currently selected movie panel. When you click on the Load button, a file dialog open. Select the first of the frames. Then go to the last one of the sequence and Shift-Left-Click it to select all the frames from the first to the last. Click "Open" to load them into the frame buffer of the selected movie panel. 




Name: Set a descriptive name for the filter. This name appears in the Filter selection drop-down list in objects in the 3-D Module. 


Enable: The check box activates or disactivates this filter for all objects that use it. 


Mode: Here to can chose the Mode of the filter, which refers to whether the range between the Min and Max values is to be included or excluded. 


Clamp: If checked then all values above the Max values are set to the Max values. If unchecked, then the value is set to zero.


Min & Max: The minimum and maximum of the filter range. 

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