The Image Displacement Modifier ​uses an grey-scale image to move vertices as a function of the image pixel intensity.
This allows one to use actual images to influence the model structure. As shown in the example mesh on the right, a potential application is in the modelling of spiral galaxies. An external drawing device can be used to design structures almost interactively with the automatic update functionality.
For this example the image of a spiral galaxy was smoothed and a flipped copy of it generated. The flipped version is needed for the top-bottom symmetry of the galaxy structure. The image on the right is the rendered image.

The Image Displacement Modifier (IDM) works in a similar way as the Bump Modifier with the basic difference of using an image as data source instead of a simple function. The handling of the Gizmo for placement is similar. One difference is that the Gizmo of the IDM include a preview of the image to help with the precise placement and scaling.
In this example of a spiral galaxy two IDM are required, one for each side, as shown in the example modifier stack on the right.
Name: If multiple Modifiers are used, make sure to name them adequately for ease of identification.
Enabled: When deselected, the modifier will not be applied.
Filename: Click on the button on the right to open the file selection dialog to open the image file to be used to the IDM. The filename will be displayed in the text field.
Width & Height: The full size of the image in the 3-D Module in local x & y directions.
Radial: Select this option if you wish the displacement to be radial from the origin of the Local Coordinate System of the mesh.
Auto Update: If you change the image texture using an external software such as Gimp or Photoshop, then you can enable the automatic loading of the image by clicking on Start. Make sure to Stop it again after you finish. Since the image is read from disk, you need to save it after every change you want to be updated in Shape.
Interval (ms): The the interval between Updates of the image from disk.
Magnitude: Set up the how the mesh displacement shall be as a function of the pixel brightness of the image assuming that it has an interval from x=(0-1) for greyscale values of (0-255). You can use an analytic function of x (the pixel value between 0 and 1) or a corresponding point function.
Widget: Opens the Widget panel shown on the right and enables the preview of the displacement image that helps to place it correctly. To see the preview image, the Display has to be enabled and the object needs to be selected in the object tree. The not only the Widget arrows are show, but also the preview image as shown below the Widget panel on the right.
Note on Rendering IDM objects:
Below are a few renderings of the example galaxy object. The first one shows the rendering at an intermediate viewing of the disk. At the center the bulge is seen as a vertical uniformly lit structure. This is typical for the applications of the IDM, especially with small-scale features. These turn out to look like little vertical "sticks".
There are a number of measures that one can take to remedy that depending on the feature and the application of the IDM. For the smooth structure of the galaxy, for instance, one can use the Taper Modifier to taper off the emission towards the surface of the mesh. This is shown below where the galaxy has been rendered edge-on. The upper image is without and the lower one has a Taper Modifier applied.
In addition to the IDM to strengthen the spiral features in the galaxy an Image Texture Modifier was applied with the same image.

Modifiers: Image Displacement