Filter Module
A variety of box filters can be defined in this module and applied to objects in the 3-D Module. To apply the filter look for the Filters drop-down list in the General Parameters tab for mesh objects. All filters defined in the Filters Module appear in this drop-down list. Select the filters to be applied.
The Filter Module has three main areas, the Tool Bar at the top, the Filter List on the left and on the right the Options for the selected filter.
Menu Bar:
Add: Use the Add button to add a new filter to the Filters list. When you click on this button a pop-up opens with a list of Filter Types from which to choose one.
In the Options Panel change the Name to something recognizable, e.g. the name of the object to which it will be assigned or something that describes the function it is meant to do.
Remove: Remove the selected filter from the Filters list. Make sure you have selected the the filter that you really mean to delete.
Copy: Copy the selected filter within the Filters list. Best to rename the filter to make it uniquely recognizable. Change the parameters in the Options Panel.
Sort: Sort the filters alphabetically in the Filters list.
Open: Load a previously saved filter from disk. A file opening dialog will open for you to select a file.
Save: The selected filter will be saved to disk. A file saving dialog opens. Select the directory and filter name to be saved. Add an extension that helps you to recognize the file as a Shape-Filter. While you can choose any extension, we recommend to use .shf.
Name: Set a descriptive name for the filter. This name appears in the Filter selection drop-down list in objects in the 3-D Module.
Enable: The check box activates or disactivates this filter for all objects that use it.
Mode: Here to can chose the Mode of the filter, which refers to whether the range between the Min and Max values is to be included or excluded.
Clamp: If checked then all values above the Max values are set to the Max values. If unchecked, then the value is set to zero.
Min & Max: The minimum and maximum of the filter range.